Listed below are the tools mentioned during my presentation, as well as others that might be useful. At the bottom of the list is contact info, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Tools for Listening
Google Alerts - let Google email you when someone mentions your name
Web Site Tools
ShareThis Plugin - provide social media sharing buttons on your web site
Google Sitemap - make it easy for Google to index your web site
WP Touch - make your WordPress web site mobile-friendly
Tools to Make Social Media Easier
HootSuite - all your social media accounts in one place
Seesmic - similar to HootSuite
Tweetdeck - similar to HootSuite
Gist - manage all your contacts
Nimble - manage all your contacts
Salesforce - high-powered customer relationship management
Search Engine Optimization
Web Site Analytics
Mint - competitor to Google Analytics
Learning Resources - some good free resources on social media marketing
Chris Brogan - one of the best thinkers and bloggers in social media for business, his Social Media 101 book is a must-read
Beth Kanter - another great social media thinker, focused more on non-profits
Clay Shirky - lots of great writing on the big picture of social media
Becky McCray, Small Business Survival - a good blog on social media for small business
DragonFly Effect - another great book on social media, focused on non-profits but relevant to business
Connect with Dennis Deery